Sparta High School does homecoming like no one else. Each grade competes against the others to win the coveted "Red Apple." This years overall theme was musicals. However, each year's theme is different. Each grade gets their own theme under the broad theme of the year. This year because the theme was musicals, each grade got a different musical as their theme. Freshman were High School Musical, Sophomores were Grease, Juniors were Footloose, and Seniors were Rock of Ages. Each grade then has to make a float and make up a dance to go with their theme. This dance is called mock rock, which is preformed to all the other grades on homecoming. On homecoming day we don't go to classes. First the homecoming court speaks and the cheerleaders preform. Then we play a series of games in which each grade gets points for winning. Then each class preforms their mock rock.
Over the years homecoming has always been great and fun. But, it has also always been extremely stressful. On the day though it is always exciting and brings the school together. I participated in float all four years and mock rock for two years. Being a senior always amps up the pressure to win the "Red Apple." I have to admit I was worried if we were going to win or not. But, we crushed every other grade so I am not sure why I was so worried. I am so sad that this is my last year and I will never get to experience homecoming like this again. But I had a great time at the games and at the dance and those great memories will stay with me forever.
Nice! That last year is the toughest since its the last time. Cograts to the class of 2013